Planners are also sometimes known as Strategists, or Strategic Planners. By researching and talking to customers they learn what makes them tick, how they think and behave, and this information helps them develop a strategy – a way to approach the customers. This guides the creatives when coming up with ideas. Working across the business and closely with clients, the Account Planners are looking to find the right communication strategy for the right audience and then to inspire the creative teams to create it all.
Career progression
To be successful you'll need...
Common Study Choices for Account Planners
Given the strong emphasis on human-centric approaches in this area of the agency, you are encouraged to pursue your preferred tertiary study. This enables you to leverage your existing knowledge while enhancing your research skills, analysis and critical thinking, leading to the generation of valuable insights.

Getting a job as an Account Planner
Many Planners start in other parts of the agency – as either Account Managers, Data Analysts or Market Researchers. This allows for you to get a good idea of how everything fits together before moving into a more strategic role.
Those roles could all be recruited for through graduate programmes (such as The Comms Council Grad Programme, before working your way towards a strategists role within the agency.