Drawing UI wireframes on the whiteboard.

Data Analyst

The Data Analyst explores historical, current and future information to help us understand how customers think and behave. This helps us understand the best way to sell a brand to a group of people. They identify the possibilities for a client brand, and help to shape the strategies presented.

You would be analysing, modelling and measuring performance of advertising campaigns across the agency. You would be capturing, adjusting, interpreting and applying the data, and use that to inform the next campaigns. You would be able to communicate complex data and strategy, while also effectively describing business stories.

The data analysis works across the agency, and with various clients too – so being confident in talking to others about your passion of data and the stories that data tells is really important.

Career progression

Following your exploration of your love of data in tertiary study, there is no ceiling on how far you can go within data roles. Evidence of how you are able to transform data into valuable insights which lead to great impacts for your clients will build your reputation, and it grows from there.
1. Junior Data Analyst
2. Data Analyst
3. Data Scientist
4. Head of Data and Analytics
1. Junior Data Analyst
2. Data Analyst
3. Data Scientist
4. Head of Data and Analytics

To be successful you'll need...

To be seriously passionate about data and telling the stories behind it.
A love of systems, with Excel being your best friend (some you could explore, and languages that would help – SQL, Python, Adobe or Google Analytics; Business intelligence and social analytics tools as well).
Curiosity and being inquisitive; you are always looking for the answers to all your ‘why’ questions.
Be organised, you have lots of projects on at the same time, and you’ll need to make sure they all feel like your number one priority.
To blend storytelling with data in order to elevate what needs to be focused on to achieve strategy, or to do deeper dives into previously unexplored territories.
A strong attention to detail, accurate and well organised.

Common Study Choices for Data Analysts

Because you need to be so comfortable with not only working with numbers, but also the with the best business practice behind strategies and client impacts, this role does need additional tertiary study, with maths, statistics, economics or finance being very useful, but also IT related study – understanding data collection and storage architecture would be very helpful.

Two hands both on top of same computer mouse.

Getting a job as a Data Analyst

It would be useful to be able to demonstrate that you are comfortable working with data, so building your CV up to reflect that would be helpful.

You could also explore the Comms Council Graduate Programme.

Discover your dream career today!